Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 2: Caffeine Withdrawals

There is nothing better than knowing you are wrapped in love; surrounded by God's blessings; enjoying each day with absolutely no inhibitions or regrets. While love is a constant, tumultuous presence in my life, I am so blessed to call him my David. Shh, don't tell him I said that. He likes to think he's his own David. ha.

I'm on Day 2 of my Daniel Fast. For those of you who had yet to join me for last January's fast, I'll catch you up to speed:

The king ordered the chief of his court to bring some of the talented, knowledgeable, male Israelites from the royal family to his service to teach the language and literature of the Babylonians. They would serve the king after three years of training. During this training, they were allotted a decent amount of pleasantries.

As one of the chosen, Daniel told his appointed guard that he would not defile himself with the king's food and wine. "Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food, and treat your servants in accordance with what you see." (Daniel 1:12-13)

When the fast was over, they looked healthier and better nourished than any who ate the king's food.

Later in the book (Daniel 10), Daniel does another fast. It last for three weeks (21 days), in which he ate no meat, wine, bread, or choice foods. As a result, he receives a miraculous vision from God.

On this quest to grow closer to God, I have decided to brave a 21 day fast, with some modifications from both last year's fast and my intended fast for this year. First of all, for any who hadn't heard: I pulled a muscle along my spine last week. Very painful, very aggravating. I've stopped taking the painkillers and anti-inflammatory in accordance with the fast. It's been a rough day.

Last year, dairy was kept in my diet to supplement necessary medication. I also used the first three days to cleanse my body with only liquids, including water and fruit juices. This year, no dairy. And no fruit juices. Also, when I started fasting last year, I was caffeine-free. This year, not so much.

I recommend smaller fasts for those who have never fasted, or even the 10 day fast for those who are audacious.

So while my intentions were to food-fast for three days and consume nothing but water, I have gotten halfway through the second day with a 24 hour migraine as my unwelcomed passenger. Cue conclusion of food-fast. It was not my intention to hurt myself, rather I desired to discipline my body, and spend more time in prayer and in the Word. Next year, I'll be sure to prepare in advance for the caffeine withdrawals. For now, I'll get a head start on my fruits/vegetable/rice diet and settle down with Crazy Love.

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